

Donate to Fairfax4Horses

We depend on the generous donations of our supporters.

Thank you for your donation.

With your support, we have been able to place a site for an equestrian facility on the Master Plan for the Laurel Hill Park (Planning News), and now have a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) and the Park Foundation stating that Fairfax4Horses will be working as partners in conducting fundraising for the facility.  These progress reports are huge steps in ensuring that the birth of the first public riding facility in Fairfax County comes to fruition.  We need your continued support and greatly appreciate your financial and in-kind contributions.

Download Pledge Form 

Mail Checks to:

Beverly Dickerson
Memo: Fairfax4Horses
11003 Oakton Woods Way
Oakton, VA 22124

Ways to donate:

Donate with your Credit Card or Paypal

Amazon Smile

Amazon.com will contribute a portion of the value of your purchase if you shop from smile.amazon.com.  Once you sign in with your e-mail address and password, scroll down and type “Fairfax4Horses” in the search window to make it your chosen charity. After that, Fairfax4Horses will be the default whenever you go to smile.amazon.com. The donation amount is from Amazon, so no additional charges are placed on your purchase. Although the amounts will be small, if enough people purchase this way on a regular basis, it will make a difference. Thank you for your support!

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eBay’s Charitable Giving Fund

ebay giving works logo

If you are a community seller on eBay, you can choose to donate a portion of the proceeds to Fairfax4Horses. Select Fairfax4Horses as your charity, and the listing will appear on eBay with the "ebay for Charity" logo. When the listing sells, PayPal Giving Fund collects the donation from the seller and distributes the proceeds. According to eBay, charity listings have up to a 30% higher chance of selling, and sell at a higher price than non-charity listings. PayPal manages the transactions at no cost, so 100% of the amount you designate goes to Fairfax4Horses.

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